Crafty Dartmoor Divas Join today Learn more

Our Constitution

Crafty Dartmoor Divas Updated July 2022

Constitution for The Crafty Dartmoor Divas
NAME: The Name of the Group will be known as Crafty Dartmoor Divas.
PURPOSE: The purpose of the group is to meet and participate in crafts of choice, and to share each others experiences of varying crafts. It’s aim is also to donate to charitable causes an agreed amount of surplus money at the end of each year.
COMMITTEE OFFICIALS: The Group will be managed by a Committee consisting of a Chairperson, a Treasurer, a Secretary an Events Organiser, stall holders Liaison Officer and Web Manager. All of these committee members will be elected at the Annual General Meeting each year. Any member of the Group will be permitted to stand for any position.
CARRYING OUT THE PURPOSE: In order to carry out the purpose of the Group the Committee have powers to: • Raise funds, receive grants and donations • Apply funds to run the Group • Act in the best interests and within the law to achieve its purpose for the Group
MEMBERSHIP: The Group will consist of a membership. Anyone wishing to join the Group, must be nominated by a full member of the Group who has held membership continuously for not less than SIX Months. An individual may attend TWO meetings only prior to becoming a member of the Group. An up to date list of full members and honorary members will be maintained by the Committee of the Group. The Committee may remove an individual’s membership if they believe that it is in the best interests of the Group. The member would, in these circumstances, have the right to be heard by the Committee before the decision is made, and would be able to be accompanied in any such meeting.
• The AGM must be held annually, with fourteen days notice being given to all members informing them of the time and date, plus a copy of the agenda. Minutes will be kept of this meeting.
• 2. There must be at least 4 members present at the AGM.
• 3. Each member of the Group will be entitled to have ONE vote each. In the event of a tie on voting the Chairperson will have an additional casting vote.
• 4. The Committee shall present an Annual Report and Annual Report of Accounts.
• 5. Any member will be allowed to stand as a Committee Member
• 6. Members will elect six Committee members for the next year. All positions will be relinquished at each AGM, with the proviso that all members will be allowed to stand for re-election.
1. The Committee must hold at least three meetings each year. At the first meeting after the AGM the committee will elect a Chairperson, a Treasurer a Secretary, an Events Organiser, stallholders Liaison Officer and Web Manager. Decisions can be made by a majority of committee members present.
2. All committee members must be present at the meeting to be able to take decisions. Minutes shall be kept for every meeting.
3. If committee members have a conflict of interest they must declare it and leave the meeting whilst the matter is being discussed or decided.
MONEY AND PROPERTY: Money and property must only be used for the Group’s purpose. The Treasurer, on behalf of the Committee, will keep accounts. The most recent accounts may be viewed by any interested party upon request. Committee members cannot receive any money or property from the Group, except to refund reasonable out of pocket expenses. Money will be held in the Group’s bank account. All cheques must be signed by two committee members. Online bank transactions must be verified by two committee members, Treasurer and Secretary.
GENERAL MEETING: If the Committee consider it necessary to change the constitution, or wind up the Group they must call a General Meeting so that the membership can make the decision.
Committee members must also call a General Meeting if they receive a request from a majority of its members. All members must be given fourteen days notice of any such meeting and informed of the reason for the meeting. All decisions require two thirds majority. Minutes must be kept.
(1) Winding Up: any money or property remaining after payment of debts will be given to a
local like minded group.
(2) Changes to the Constitution: can be made at AGM’s or General Meetings.
(3) General Meetings: called on written request from a majority of members.
(4) Committee Members - may call a General Meeting to consult the membership.
This Constitution was adopted on -21st July 2022 by people whose signatures appear below. Those people will be members of the Group until the next AGM is held, which must be within one year of this date:
Signed Address
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Dawn Wood
Sheila Manning
Sonia Palmer
Tania Molesworth
Kathy Alecks
Honorary Members
Terry Dore
Caroline Stewart
Sally Sinclair-Davey
Lynette White